'Arts & Crafts Churches' by Alec Hamilton wins the Art + Christianity Book Award 2021
Announced this year at the prize-giving event on 25 November at the Swiss Church in London, the Art + Christianity Book Award is given in recognition of a book which makes an outstanding contribution to the public understanding of the relationship between the visual arts and religious practice and belief.
Speaking on behalf of the panel, the Rt Revd Lord (Richard) Harries remarked of Alec Hamilton's book 'Arts & Crafts Churches' that it is: 'exemplary of its type'; useful and enjoyable for both the interested general reader and the informed academic; engagingly written and beautifully illustrated.
The judging panel:
Chair: The Rt Revd Lord (Richard) Harries of Pentregarth (author and broadcaster)
Jill Cook (Curator at the British Museum)
Sir Simon Jenkins (journalist, author and broadcaster)
Dr Amanda Mbuzi (Vice President for Academic Affairs at Reconstructionist Rabbinical College)
Prof. Dr Mia M Mochizuki (formerly tenured Associate Professor of Renaissance and Baroque Art at New York University Institute of Fine Arts, New York, and NYU Abu Dhabi)
Also shortlisted were:
Visions of Heaven: Dante and the Art of Divine Light by Martin Kemp (Lund Humphries, 2021)
Stealing from the Saracens: How Islamic Architecture Shaped Europe by Diana Darke (Hurst, 2020)